Holy Quran Translation

The Noble Qur’an is the constitution of the Islamic religion that was revealed by the law of God Almighty in His land, and belief in it is an essential part of faith in God Almighty and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. The Qur’an was revealed in the Arabic language with its linguistic, rhetorical and grammatical miracles. It is a great linguistic reference, but how can one who does not know understand it? Arabic: Here the concept of translating the Holy Quran appears

What is meant by translation of the Holy Quran?

Translating the Holy Qur’an is considered one of the branches of religious translation. When translating verses of the Qur’an, the meanings are transferred from Arabic to any other language, but this is not considered reading the Qur’anic texts, but rather contemplating their meanings so that those who do not know Arabic understand them.

Conditions for translating the Holy Quran

Translating the Holy Qur’an is a difficult process and carries a lot of responsibility for whoever does it, because the presence of any error is considered a distortion of the words of God Almighty. Therefore, when translating the Holy Qur’an, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. Avoid literal translation and rely on the interpretive translation of the verses to clarify their meaning without any errors
  2. The translator’s professionalism in the Arabic language and the language into which it is being translated so that he selects the meanings that best express what is intended in the verses.
  3. The translator’s knowledge of the provisions of the Holy Qur’an and his study in order to convey the intended meanings without any distortion
  4. Great expression in proportion to the sanctity of the Book of God
  5.  Placing the Qur’anic verses in Arabic in addition to their translation, because reading the translation is not equivalent to reading it. It also makes it easier for foreign students to delve deeper into studying the Holy Qur’an and knowing the Arabic language.
  6. Commitment to conveying the original meaning accurately by studying the linguistic structure of the Arabic language and the language into which it is transmitted or translated

The importance of translating the Holy Quran

The importance of translating the Holy Quran stems from the following:

  1. The role of translating Quranic texts in spreading the message to the West

  2. Support and enhance understanding of Quranic verses for those who do not speak Arabic

  3. Defending the Islamic religion against rumors and false images transmitted about it by spreading its meanings and what the Islamic religion seeks in order to implement peace and spread morals.

  4. Supporting and facilitating the memorization of the Holy Qur’an, as it facilitates the process of memorizing it

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