The importance of brand translation

Trademark translation is not limited to translating the trade name only, but also to describing the services provided by that trademark. When choosing the name of the activity or project, one must be careful about that, especially when seeking to reach the global market. It is also necessary to deal with an accredited translation office in order to reach the heights of success.

What is brand translation?

Brand translation includes the project name and everything related to it, including brochures identifying the services provided or the products being promoted, as well as advertising pages on social media platforms.

What is the importance of brand translation?

The importance of translating the brand lies in its pursuit of achieving the following goals:

  1. Attract more potential customers in the global market
  2. Increase customer confidence in the brand by increasing its value when translated into other languages
  3. Unifying the cultural brand identity among other countries by properly expressing it and its logo
  4. Achieving globalization and increasing profits by creating foreign markets in addition to local ones

 Steps to translate the brand

The brand translation process can be completed by adopting the following tips:

  1. The first steps in translating the trademark begin with shortening the name to suit the service being provided
  2. Make sure to choose a name that is appropriate to the culture of the target audience
  3. Foresight in choosing names that are suitable for translation into other languages ​​and diverse cultures, especially if the goal is to reach universality
  4. Describe the brand accurately and clearly, mentioning all the details
  5.  Put yourself in the shoes of the audience in the many countries where you are seeking to promote your service and test their acceptance of the name
  6.  Seek help from a specialist in the field of marketing and translation, noting that Perfection is one of the most important translation companies that provides
  7. Trademark translation services, and you can request the service through

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