How are movies translated?

Watching international films is a hobby for many people who enjoy the scenes that travel to them from all countries of the world while they are in front of the screen, they do not move even if they do not know the language in which the show was produced, they understand what is going on through the translation that is done in more than one method of the methods used in translating films

What is meant by film translation

Film translation means converting visual audible content from one language to another. It is one of the types of audiovisual translation so that what is said appears in a language other than its original language on the screen or is dubbed by muting the original sound and representing it in another language

How are films translated

The process of translating films is a difficult process as it goes through the following steps:

  1. Obtaining the scenario of the film or work to be translated, and this is done through one of the sites specialized in archiving scenarios or by communicating with the makers of the work, which is most likely what happens, in order to reach a financial agreement in addition to obtaining copyrights
  2. Translating the scenario from the mother tongue to the language to be transferred to and with the same translation steps
  3. Watching the film and comparing the changes that may have occurred when implementing the scenario
  4. Formulating the translation in its final form
  5. Using some editing programs that allow entering texts into scenes
  6. Adjusting time synchronization For the viewer and the appearance of its translation on the screen
  7. Review the entire film with translation, correct errors and prepare it for delivery for display

What is the importance of translating films

Cinema is one of the most important educational and touristic tools. The importance of translating films lies in the following:

  1. Learning about different cultures
  2. Enjoying the landmarks of distant countries of the world that are difficult to travel to
  3. Learning different languages
  4. Raising artistic taste
  5. Exchanging cultures and peaceful communication between different nations