ترجمة مستخلص البحث العلمي

Universities require researchers to submit a translated research abstract, while there are those who do not know how to write a research abstract in the first place, or how many words and what is the difference between it and a research summary, which are among the basic problems facing students of scientific research during the process of conducting the thesis

How is the abstract written in scientific research?

The research abstract is considered an overview of the details of the research and its content, referring to its chapters and what they contain in terms of covering all aspects of the subject, reaching the results that were reached, with an explanation of the tools that the researcher used to reach them.

What is the difference between a research abstract and a research abstract?

Some believe that there is no difference between a research summary and an abstract, but the abstract is more comprehensive and comprehensive of the research parts, while the abstract focuses on the topic at a glance without touching on the details that may be important for those browsing the research for the purpose of using it in previous studies that rely on it to present a new research point.

How to translate your research abstract

The process of translating a research abstract requires high accuracy in order to choose appropriate terms that are more related to the topic and field of research. Translating a thesis in the medical field differs from another in the field of economics or politics. In any case, and whatever your study specialization, you can translate your research abstract and all the references and scientific books you need with the help of

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