The difference between translation and Arabization

Some people believe that there is no difference between translation and Arabization and that they are the same thing. The truth is that there is a difference and this article sheds light on it while providing examples of Arabization by applying the rules.

What is Arabization in translation?

The term Arabization is defined linguistically as imbuing non-Arab words with an Arabic color by transferring them with their non-Arab pronunciation into the Arabic language. This

matter clearly includes

Using scientific terminology, where the person performing the Arabization process attempts to convey and clarify the

meaning of these terms in Arabic. 

As for the definition of Arabization idiomatically, it means introducing vocabulary from foreign languages into the Arabic language to keep pace with the inventions and developments that the world around us is witnessing in various fields.

Specializations and fields, but on the condition of ensuring that these vocabulary suit the characteristics of the Arabic language and are compatible with it

The difference between translation and Arabization 

; Many people confuse the concept of Arabization with translation, believing that they are the same thing for everyone. The difference between translation and Arabization is as follows:

Translation is finding synonyms and meanings of the same word from the mother tongue to the language into which it is being translated

As for Arabization, it is the use of foreign words with weight and rhyme that are appropriate for the Arabic language, such as balto, which is an Italian word that means coat

Sofa is a Greek word meaning pillow or bed, both of which are used in Arabic

Why is Arabization important?

Arabization is important because it gives the Arab character to different cultures, highlighting the importance of the Arabic language and the virtue of Arabs to the world.